16 Quick Tips To Detox Your Mind And Body - Daily Health Tips

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Daily Health TipsOur wellness and health expert Lee Cotton shares her tips for staying fit and eating healthy. Cotton, a healthy foods chef, health educator and Pilates instructor, Your Palate and owns Pilates, a Stuart-based company that focuses on health.

Detox, detox, detox. Each diet-focused blog and health magazine touches on the powers of detoxing.

We are all sensitive to toxins in our step by step life—everything from our advanced food supply to our intensely industrialized environment contributes to our bodies’ collections of toxins.

So, why not include step by step healthy practices that aid general health and reduce toxic exposure?

Here are some healthy suggestions:

1:         Do cardio exercise to work up a sweat and increase heart health.

2:         Get sufficient sleep and some natural sunlight throughout the day.

3:         Cut back on dairy, meat products and refined sugar.

4:         Exercise and Breathe: Try Pilates or yoga to align your body with your breath.

5:         Laugh and smile!

6:         Omit artificial preservatives and sugars.

7:         Eat green vegetables, fresh fruit and whole grains (avoid processed grains).

8:        Get a massage.

9:         Meditate to remove negativity.

10:       Include raw, fresh foods into your diet.

11:       Use beauty products and natural cleaning.

12:       Start your morning with lemon juice and warm water (Health Tips).
13:       Drink green drinks daily with cucumber, sprouts, romaine, kale and celery.

14:       Drink wheatgrass.

15:       Visit a sauna or steam room.

16:       Avoid or limit caffeine and alcohol.